Friday, June 5, 2009


I have become a mother at the age of 22 (that's 2 years ago). Many people thinks that people in their 20's are already matured. I'm on my 22nd and I still feel and think like a teenager. I am a happy-go-lucky kind of person. I love to party; get drunk; enjoy every minute I have. But everything changed when I got pregnant. I know I have to change for my baby. I've turned my back with the kind of life I am used to. But I never regretted anything. I love my son so much.

Being a mother doesn't mean you can't go out and unwind. Its just a matter of time management. It's what I always do. Since my son sleeps with my mom, I often go out to unwind. I always have a tiring day cause my son is so hyperactive; he drains all my energy. And I also help around the house. I do some house chores. Instead of sleeping or resting, I go out to unwind. It helps me relax and forget my very tiring day.

Going out at night; chilling with friends doesn't make me a bad mother. Eventhough I get drunk, I never miss my routine everyday with my son. I didn't forget my obligations.

I don't find unwiding bad. For me, It's a way of surviving my tiring day. It helps me alot.

..i found this post when i viewed some of my blogs. This was poste of 6th of June 2009.
